Thursday, September 6, 2018

Grooming Successful Kids

In this E world which is filled with Gadgets and electronic devices which can easily divert any kid-So may be some parents. The biggest challenge is grooming our kids successfully and in the right way. Now is the biggest question which exist?

Parents want their kids to be the best kids in all aspects-Good thing which every parent will want too but what are the steps taken by them to have that achieved.

Many parents are making their kids a show case model or forcing them showcase talent in front of friends and relatives to show they are a class apart.

As part of parenting you should say say NO and be strict to your kids when he/she is wrong. They should face failures and learn to understand if they are wrong. This makes them to understand things and learn to judge between what is good, needed and what is not required.

Its better we split the day for activities so that the online/gadget time be restricted to 1-2 hrs maximum for our kids.

Many parents believe that academics is the only way to success in life which is not true.  I am not negating it and agree that academics has a major part but other aspects like social skills, communication, mutual respect, and basic qualities - respect elders, understand others, decision making, facing failures, being calm and subtle when needed are also some of the qualities which has to be taught to them. Not to forget eating healthy food is the need of the hour now.

Parents should ensure that love and logic is part of parenting to be a success. Parenting is one of the toughest job where we need more of patience. Kids easily learn from us and hence we need to be perfect to get the same from him/her.😏

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