In today's digital era, information and data holds key value. We get to hear of many incidents as below:
1. my bank account is hacked
2. money withdrawn from my account
3. my FB account is hacked
4. My credit card was compromised
5. My personal details are revealed
6. Email ids's getting compromised.
How does all this happen? Who is responsible? - It is none other than you. Astonishing right. Ok let us answer these questions below:
1. How many of you use your credit card in a fuel pump or restaurant where the card is taken out of your vicinity? - Within minutes the data can be swiped
2. How many of you provide your personal details like name, email and mobile number & date of birth to unknown individuals just for a piece of free gift or luck dip for some price?
3. How many of you get greedy by seeing links in sites of free gifts, lottery and raffles?
So the hackers are luring you to provide your personal data by giving you freebies - These freebies cost you your hard earned savings and your valuable information - Personal data.
Be aware of all applications you have downloaded in your mobile. There are many applications which access your gallery and even your camera and indulge in data theft. So ensure which applications you have in your mobile.
Some even read the messages you get from your bank/dear ones.
Your privacy gets lost when all your data is no more private. Hence safeguard your privacy by being cyber secure. Some tips:
1. Never click on insecure links
2. dont fall prey to scam messages
3. Never reveal personal identity to unknown
4. Never befriend with unknown people in social media
5. Never portray your family pics and your location in FB
6. Don't reveal travel plans in social media
7. Dont give your name, email & mobile to unknown people
8. Always change your passwords and PIN number periodically. Dont reveal to anyone
9. Dont enable auto save for passwords of websites-Particularly banks an financial dealings
10. Avoid sharing common messages which are often having embedded links
11. Always use virtual or hover board to type bank passwords.
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